I hope you enjoyed the information on osteoporosis and are able to share it with others.
Another issue that women face is the monthly menstrual cycle. Guys, don't tune out. The more you know and understand about our monthly cycles; the better you can help not only yourselves, but the women in your life to cope as well.

We plan our lives around it. Some women's cycles are regular as clock work down to the minute, and others, like me, never know when it will show up. Some women never have PMS, cramps, mood swings or cravings. Those of us who do/did are really annoyed by that. Here are a few tips to help get you through:
1. Keep a journal of your cycle and the symptoms that occur around it. Note when you start feeling
tired, have cravings and what for. Note also mood swings and frequency, beginning and end of
cycle, heaviness, color, and consistency of flow, and any other signs and symptoms specific to
your cycle. Note any changes and alert your health care provider. Sometimes these seemingly
unimportant changes can be the first sign of other issues.
2. Limit salt, caffeine, alcohol, fats, and sugar for one week prior to the beginning of your cycle.
These foods are often culprits behind bloating and cramping.
3. Ask your health care provider, and/or do your own research, regarding your cravings. There may
be a nutrient that's lacking associated with your craving such as with chocolate. Chocolate is high
in magnesium. It is also loaded with sugar and fat. Perhaps adding a magnesium supplement
prior to and/or during your cycle will alleviate this craving. Consult your health care provider.
4. Mild exercise and stretching can relieve bloating and cramping. Consult your health care
provider first.
5. Listen to your body.
6. Get help if/when you need it. Consult your health care provider for OTC (over the counter) and
prescription medications. Consult with your pharmacist as well to make sure that there aren't any
interactions with other medications or precautions due to other health issues that would prohibit
the use of these medications.
Visit https://www.ProperHealthSolutions.com and view our selection of products just for women!
I hope you have a great day.
To your Health!
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