Hi Everyone!
Hope your weekend was great! What did you do? Share in the comments section.
All right, 21 days done and 9 more to go. I don't know why, but it was extremely difficult to stay on track and remain motivated. I craved comfort foods all weekend long, especially muffins and peanut butter! Thankfully, my husband helped keep me on track. Who helps you? Let us know.
I think that the 3 week mark is an especially difficult time during the Whole 30, for me at least, because the novelty has worn off and I'm tired of thinking about cooking. Also, the weather has been unpredictable ranging from sunny and 80 all the way to rainy and in the 30's. What are your challenges and how do you stay on track? Let us know.
Month in Review:
Inflammation: Diet and Nutrition, Homeopathic Remedies, Featured Anti-Inflammatory Products: Turmeric, Cherries, Arnica. Head aches, pain and the Universal Pain Scale.
Recipes: AIP Turmeric Veggie "Curry", AIP Hot Cauliflower Apple Porridge, Whole 30 Roasted
Pork Shoulder with Butternut Squash, Kale and Tomatoes, AIP Beets "No-Tomato" Chili.
Exercise: Focus on what you can do rather than on what you can't or used to be able to do. Keep it low impact and start slowly. Stretch those hip flexors. Gardening is a great exercise.
Women's issues and homeopathic remedies. (Now gentlemen, don't despair. June is your month. But don't miss this opportunity to learn about the women in your life and how you might be able to help them.) Looking back and moving forward. More recipes and exercise tips.
Thank you for all of your support this month.
To your Health!
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