Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Exercise Tips

Hi Everyone!

As promised, Exercise Tips.

Exercising with inflammatory issues is challenging.  No doubt about it.  Just remember: 

1.  Start slowly
2.  Keep it low impact
3.  Warm Up, Cool Down, and Stretch
4.  Stay hydrated
5.  Use a low dose anti-inflammatory at least 30 minutes prior (consult your physician)
6.  Listen to your body.  Decrease range of motion or stop when necessary.
7.  Give yourself a day or two in between workouts to rest and gauge inflammatory response
8.  Be grateful for what you can still do
9.  Be clear and realistic about your goals/reasons for working out

" In My Experience"

Now, if you're anything like me, or what I was physically able to do when pain and inflammation were not constant companions, then you can understand how frustrating and humiliating a sedate 20 minute low impact walking video can be especially when you're used to pushing the limits until you were dripping in sweat, every muscle was exhausted, and the pain felt good.

Believe me, I've tried to recapture those glory days.  It's even felt great while I was working out, but  several hours to several days later the pain, stiffness, and inflammation weren't so great.  It would take several days to recover and then I didn't want to workout just to be in pain once more.  After about six months of exercising sporadically, I finally accepted my new normal and set realistic goals.  Once I did that, working out actually became fun again.  I started doing what I was able to do rather than what I wanted to do.

I started out with a 5 minute warm up, 20 min cardio, and 5 minute cool down followed by stretching 3 to 4 times a week.  At first making it through one workout session was exhausting, but after two to three weeks, I had more energy and stamina, and I was able to a utilize a fuller more powerful range of muscles in motion. 

Do you have a tip?  Let us know.

Keep on moving.

To your Health!


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