Monday, May 15, 2017

Hydration Highlights

Hi Everyone!

Now that Spring is well under way and Summer is almost upon us, it's time to give a shout out and remind everyone about proper hydration, and review signs and symptoms of dehydration.

Signs and Symptoms:  Dehydration affects every system but is most noticeable in skin and heart changes.

Increased heart rate, weak pulse, low blood pressure, dry mouth/eyes/nose, dry/hot/cracked skin. Other common signs/symptoms include:  headache, visual disturbances, change in cognition, weight loss, light-headedness, dizziness, irritability, shallow rapid breathing, fever.

If re-hydration with fluids and/or electrolyte replacement drinks has been attempted and signs/symptoms persist, or cognition has altered and fluids cannot be taken orally, take the person to the nearest emergent care facility for assessment and assistance.

Common Causes:  Vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, burns (even sunburn), severe wounds, diuretic use, laxative use, diabetes insipidus, impaired swallow/thirst, fever, ileostomy, hyperventilation, any combination.

Most commonly dehydration is caused by taking in less fluid than the body requires and/or puts out, and can be easily corrected by increasing fluid and/or electrolyte intake.

Those at special risk include the young, the elderly, those with dementia or cognitive impairment, those who depend on others for food/water, and people taking medications that increase fluid output whether by sweat or elimination.  These people should take frequent small sips of clear fluids (any fluid that you can see through such as water, juice, tea etc) throughout the day. Caffeine and alcohol can create dehydration so avoid excessive use of beverages with these ingredients.  When you do have them, make sure that water or other clear fluids are sipped intermittently along with them.

Now, for those of you who, like my husband, cannot stand plain water; try filling 1/4 of the glass or cup with juice or an electrolyte replacement drink and then fill the rest of the way with water.  Or, make ice cubes from juice or electrolyte replacement drinks and cool your water with them.  This is also a good way to flavor iced tea.  And, if you've been sweating a lot or have had diarrhea or vomiting, electrolyte replacement is needed along with fluid replacement.

What if you or the other person doesn't want to chug a full glass of anything?  If you're watching TV, take several small sips during commercial breaks, or set a timer to ring every 15-20 mins reminding you to take a few sips.

Visit our Beverage category for a variety delicious ways to stay hydrated!

To your Health!

Deanna and Ray

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