Monday, May 22, 2017

How Do I Know Whether My Supplement Is Working Or Not?

So, you've invested in yourself, done a little research, and plunged into the world of healthy, organic, natural supplements.  Now you're wondering whether or not they're actually working and doing everything they advertised they would.  Or, did you just spend a small fortune on nothing?

First things first!  YOU are not nothing!  Your Health is not nothing!  To phrase it in a more positive light; You and your Health are worth the effort and investment you are making.  Sure, there is a learning curve especially since what works for one person won't always work for someone else and won't always work the same way for you depending upon your body's needs.  Frustrating?!  Yup!!

Here are some tips that I have learned personally and through experience as an RN.

1.  Our bodies are slow to change.  In general, it takes 3-6 weeks for new medications/supplements to reach therapeutic levels and for your body to register the benefits.  You may begin sensing benefits sooner, however, whether this is physiological or psychological is under debate.  I believe that it's both.  Knowing you're doing something good for you and your health coupled with taking the action is powerful.

2.  We live in a time of such need for instant gratification that we either don't give the supplements enough time or we expect such a dramatic difference that we aren't looking for the smaller effects along the way.  Here's where keeping a daily journal can really come in handy.  For example, I keep a journal for Pain, Stiffness, Sleep, Mental Fog, Mental Energy, and Physical Energy rating them several times throughout the day every day.  I also note when I start or stop any new supplements or diet changes as well as when I cheat or miss my vitamins.  Reviewing the trends has really helped to see what has worked, when has it worked and why might it not have worked.

3.  Many people report not noticing how much supplements or medications have helped until they've quit taking them or forgotten to refill the prescription.  Again, this may take 2-4 weeks.

4.  Ask your friends and family if they have noticed any changes.  They can be a better gauge than you sometimes.

5.  How about you?  How do you feel and look?  Not only at this moment but overall since beginning your journey.   (Again, I suggest keeping track of this daily in a journal.  It's easy to forget how bad we felt once we feel better and vice versa).

6.  Be honest and be prepared to try several different brands or products in order to find the one that works best for you.

We would love to hear from you.  Please let us know what works for you.  Visit our Blog at

To your Health!

Deanna and Ray Proper

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