Monday, September 18, 2017

Homeopathic Principles

Hi Everyone!

Homeopathic Principles

This information is taken from an article by Sandra M. Chase, MD, DHt submitted to the American Institute for Homeopathy website.  Please visit for more information.

1.  Like cures like.  Each remedy has a specific "homeopathic picture" and each individual has his or her "homeopathic picture".  The idea then is to use the remedy with the most similar or "like" picture as the individual's picture to treat ailments.

2.  The minimum dose.  In order to maximize potency and minimize side effects, homeopathic remedies are prepared in a series of dilutions beginning with crude product and ending with a minimum dose which has "no detectable chemical substance left" but has the "maximum therapeutic effect with the fewest side effects".

3.  Single remedy.  Only one remedy is given at a time.  This way remedies do not disguise each other's effects.  In other words, if you have a cold, a remedy for colds and their symptoms would be given to you for all symptoms of a cold.  You wouldn't take one for fever, another for cough, another for congestion and so on.  Only one remedy at a time. 

Thanks for reading.  Once again, please visit the American Institute of Homeopathy website:, for more information on Homeopathic Practice as well as to find a practitioner near you.  

To Your Health!


Deanna and Ray

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Homeopathic: Definition and Principles

Hi Everyone!

Thanks for your patience as this is going out a day late.

This week's topic is Homeopathy.  What is it?

If you're like me and you're searching for alternative ways to treat illnesses and prevent their occurrences, then you've probably run across, and even used, some homeopathic remedies.  In your quest to find relief, you may or may not have taken the time to really research the concept of Homeopathy; you just want something that works!  Believe me, I know.

As our website,, offers a variety of Homeopathic remedies, I feel it is our responsibility to help you in your research of these alternative remedies.  The information presented here is taken from the American Institute of Homeopathy website:  You are greatly encouraged to visit this website for more information as well as the utilization of their tool to find a homeopathic practitioner near you.  AIH highlights some of the essentials of Homeopathy as: "A holistic, natural, safe system of medicine.   Stimulates the person's own healing power.   Practiced in countries all over the world.  No interactions with conventional drugs.  Recognized by the FDA".

In an article submitted to the website by Sandra M. Chase, MD, DHt, Homeopathy, or Homeopathic Medicine, is defined as, "the practice of medicine that embraces a holistic, natural approach to the treatment of the sick."  She further explains that Homeopathy uses a holistic approach to treatment since it treats the person as a whole, instead of focusing on a diseased part or a specific illness or diagnosis. Homeopathy is natural because its remedies are formulated according to the U.S. FDA-recognized Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States from natural sources, whether vegetable, mineral, or animal in nature.

Dr. Chase also lists the three principles of Homeopathy, Like cures like, Minimum dose and Single remedy.  Please visit next week for more information on each of these principles.  If you can't wait, then by all means, please visit the AIH website: and read her wonderful article.

Thanks for reading.  Please add your comments and suggestions for topics you would like to read more about.

To Your Health!


Deanna and Ray

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Creams, Ointments and Gels Part Three: Gels and Summary

Hi Everyone!

In Parts I and II creams and ointments were addressed.  Today let's talk about Gels.

A Gel is a water based preparation designed to deliver medication to the skin and mucous membranes.  Because it is water based, it absorbs quickly and doesn't remain on the skin as long as creams or ointments do.  It is best used for areas of skin that are generally left exposed such as hands and face, or when a dressing is not able to be applied.


Creams:  Water and oil emulsion.  Less oil than ointments.  Usually formulated to be non-greasy and to stay on skin/surface a medium amount of time.  Best used for all skin areas.  May need a dressing applied.  Wears off faster than ointments but stays longer than Gels.

Ointments:  Water and oil emulsion.  More oil than creams so they tend to feel "greasier".  Greater amount of oil helps medication remain on skin longer and provides a protective barrier.  Best used on areas that are not exposed or where a dressing can be applied as well as for wounds/issues that may require longer healing time and greater exposure to medication.

Gels:  Water based preparations.  Wears of faster than creams or ointments.  Best used on exposed areas of skin or where dressings may not be applied.

I hope this information will assist with choosing the right medication format for you and your family. I welcome all positive feedback and constructive contributions.

Next week:  Homeopathic:  What does it mean?

Have a great week.  To Your Health!


Deanna and Ray